This is to rent for 1 year the video of the class: Neural Dynamic Reintegration I is a lab and lecture based class focused on the clinical understanding of muscle imbalance in the extremities, trunk, and full body that lead to recurrent dysfunction.
Explicit provocation testing will lead to the ability to visualize the local and global dysfunction that underlies so many recurrent pain problems from shoulder impingement to chronic neck strain to episodic low back pain to hip and knee problems to chronic achilles tendinitis or plantar fasciitis. From this knowledge it becomes more apparent how to address these recurrent or chronic conditions more effectively through the removal of barriers to Range of Motion and appropriate motor programming that underlie improper exercise or activity positioning.
This class will provide the practitioner the ability to measure the movement competence of a patient through clinical tests and develop an appropriate manual treatment regimen to optimize and improve that patient's relevant lack of range of motion and aberrant motor programming, that is, to perform Neural Dynamic Reintegration effectively. This treatment is effected by addressing the lack of range of motion brought on by somatic dysfunction and aberrant reflex arcs to be followed up by retraining of the motor program loop.
Video of Neural Dynamic Reintegration I 1-Day (SEA) November 11th, 2017
Neural Dynamic Reintegration I 1-Day course
Saturday 9am to 6pm
November 11th, 2017
16771 NE 80th Street Suite 100 Redmond, WA 98052
Class participants will learn how to:
1. List the parameters of Neuromuscular Reeducation in treatment.
2. Test core strength, upper cervical function, contralateral upper extremity and lower extremity function and integration by using the Gait Pattern Recognition Flowchart.
3. Design a NMR driven rehab program for low, medium and high functioning patients using static and dynamic stretches and integrative techniques (Counterstrain, MET or GDI).
4. Identify the most common Hypertonic and Inhibited muscle pattern dysfunctions, and their associated signs and symptoms.
5. Describe the pathophysiology of the musculoskeletal, neural, vascular, and lymphatic structures secondary to faulty adaptive patterns.
6. Implement a complete care program to include: specific treatment modality selection, neuromuscular reeducation and exercise prescription regimes to resolve somatic dysfunction and restore neuromuscular patency.
Instructor: Neal O'Neal, PT
Class is held 9-5 Saturday and will be a combination of Lecture and Lab.
9am – 9:30am Common Muscle Imbalance Postures (Lecture)
9:30am – 10:30am Regional and Global Provocation and Functional ROM Testing (Lab)
10:30am – 12pm Global and Regional Provocation Tests and Aberrant Reflex Arc Testing (Lab)
12 – 1pm Lunch
1pm – 1:30pm Somatic Treatment of Recruitment Dysfunction (Lab)
1:30pm – 2:30pm NDR: LE, Transversus Abdominis, Contralateral UE (Lab)
2:30pm – 3:30pm NDR: Gait Dynamic Integration- GDI (Lecture)
3:30pm – 4:30pm Weight Bearing vs NWB Recruitment (Lecture and Lab)
4:30pm – 5:30pm Ballistic Exercise (Lecture)
5:30pm – 6pm Common Chronic Compensatory Patterns